
Still alive. Or am I? You choose!!

Edits on my main book. I’ve sheered it down to 79K last I checked from 120K. Admittedly, I became a bit… enthusiastic in the cutting process. However, I did move character introductions to earlier chapters–one as early as chapter one. It reads a much better. But, by moving these characters around, meant a slew of rewrites to fit them into the chapters organically, ripping out scenes entirely or reimplementing scenes in a new way. I bloated–or rather expanded a major chapter that deals with the echoes of the villain. In the original I was sending to agents–how the characters destroy the monsters’ nest made by the villain is a bit underwhelming. So, I’ve expanded on it a bit. Reads better. But, this all takes time and much thinking. Hope to finish it soon.

I did feel a bit resistant to this in the beginning–given I’ve sent my query letters out multiple times. But it was a much needed rework.

probably should finish this thing.

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