Book Update/ Game Update

I continue to seek agents. Rather. I’m trying again. Need to pace myself. Takes time.

I’ve made some mechanical improvements to the narrative and fixed some continuity errors and plot-holes.

Still nothing from agents but hey. Just uh. Keep going no? Sent out three new query letters recently.

Still working on Chapter 1 of the Grand Order’s game. Should be done soon. It’s a lot of asset building (enemies, animations, sprites, so on) When Chapter 1 is done it’ll have to go through beta-testing.

Chapter 1 of my game covers about chapters 1-5 of the book. With a ton of extra content.

Anyhow–that’s all for now

Locale of the final boss for Chapter 1
Mila’s art for the main menu
Book Update/ Game Update

Update June 11th 2020

I feel an ever pressing impulse to engulf myself within my manuscript again. I’ve been in the agent-finding phase for sometime now (couple of years?) and have made a series of story, character and other edits. But I’ve resisted the urge to do an upheaval of my work. Probably for the best. Too often i find an urge to rework existing artwork and find that although I have more technical skill, the heart is missing and thus my revision is a hallow but pretty replica.

Instead, I’ll focus on my game adaptation of the first few chapters and experiment there.

Update June 11th 2020

Around 12/something/2019

In about a month I’ll be able to take off the university’s collar of commitment–for a few weeks at least. I hope to indulge in sending out queries to more agents and gleefully await rejection. I too, want to work more upon my novel’s game adaptation.

I have toyed with Interactive Literature as an alternative to my 2D top down RPG video-game. And while I can see some advantages, being mostly text and my book well being… text–there’s good connectivity–alas, I feel my skills in environmental story telling, ambiance and sound design would be wasted. Never mind my illustrative tendencies and the natural lean the RPGMAKER engine has toward combat.

A major limitation, and this is in part due to my lack of coding skill, is the vanilla engine even with the additions of plugins. So, I may well seek out Luna Engine, for RPGMAKER MV, to remove any sort of engine limitation in respect to the HUD, and really explore the possibilities of this adaptation of my book.

I do wander over the strange and useless anxiety over canonical lore. Is it the book true cannon? As the book is the original. Or is the adaptation? Of which, due to the video-game format of semi-open-world exploration, allowing plot-divergent stories, (such things are otherwise, for me, impossible to foster within a linear narrative) which would only serve to heighten the experience. To strike out the possibility of content from the game as canonical lore seems foolish. However, the different format might make certain events in game appear awkward or ill-fitting to the book’s style. I’m always uncertain about this.

Potential Plans for Subsequent Stories:

I’m a sucker for good television, and good characters. Particularly, I’ve been hooked into the CW’s Flash. Arguably, the past couple seasons have been… disappointing. But, my care for these characters and the world the creator’s born persists. That program, coupled with other animations, and television series is inspiring from a narrative standpoint. Often, I see books likened to film, in the sense of the grand story being told. Other story-arcs are able to be told of course, but there is this sort of linear progression within my first book.
I want to amend this sort of narrative in my second and perhaps other books as well. By creating smaller stories dealing with various characters–that while many of them will connect to the overall story, there are these sort of ‘one-and-done’ stories that allow more breath-ability, character development and slower pace that I feel my first story lacks.

Around 12/something/2019

Misfortune and Unfortunate Endings 

So, this here is a bit different from what I post. But, I find the stories of the Fallout series to be of excellent fun and drama. The universe is interesting and has inspired some of the facets of my own writing and world-building. So, I figured since I’ve taken the time to take these photos to share them! Perhaps they will be inspiring to writers who might see them.

I promise(ish), this sort of entry will be sparse–but Fallout 76 has been inspiring to some capacity for my own stories. To write side stories where things don’t go well, where people commit suicide, fail, are betrayed, eaten and other misfortunes. Adding side-stories characters come across–or hear from other secondary and significant characters are important. They highlight the potential end any of the protagonists could meet. That any of their lovers of friends could also meet horrific and miserable ends.

Misfortune and Unfortunate Endings