Book Update/ Game Update

I continue to seek agents. Rather. I’m trying again. Need to pace myself. Takes time.

I’ve made some mechanical improvements to the narrative and fixed some continuity errors and plot-holes.

Still nothing from agents but hey. Just uh. Keep going no? Sent out three new query letters recently.

Still working on Chapter 1 of the Grand Order’s game. Should be done soon. It’s a lot of asset building (enemies, animations, sprites, so on) When Chapter 1 is done it’ll have to go through beta-testing.

Chapter 1 of my game covers about chapters 1-5 of the book. With a ton of extra content.

Anyhow–that’s all for now

Locale of the final boss for Chapter 1
Mila’s art for the main menu
Book Update/ Game Update


Anything worth achieving cannot be done without effort. Refining works into denser forms is never useless. Withstanding the crushing gravity of fear and floating above will allow for rebirth. Many will see your artistic endeavors as useless; a journey upon a dead-end road. Yet, whether or not others see your passions as worthless or valuable does not change the significance of such goals. For, one’s artistic passions do not cultivate value merely due to the admission of it from others, who are largely only interested in arts that amass monetary wealth.

Lately, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time meandering through creative dimensions. Little notable results have been made. Many modifications to my manuscript has been minute and while so, characteristically significant.


Update June 11th 2020

I feel an ever pressing impulse to engulf myself within my manuscript again. I’ve been in the agent-finding phase for sometime now (couple of years?) and have made a series of story, character and other edits. But I’ve resisted the urge to do an upheaval of my work. Probably for the best. Too often i find an urge to rework existing artwork and find that although I have more technical skill, the heart is missing and thus my revision is a hallow but pretty replica.

Instead, I’ll focus on my game adaptation of the first few chapters and experiment there.

Update June 11th 2020